Thanksgiving is over is Christmas is on its way; too quickly for some, not quick enough for others. The Holidays can be wonderful or a disaster, depending on your perspective, your experiences or even your family! Though this article talks about simple fixes for things that go wrong with your Thanksgiving meal, I found it relevant for any special occasion involving the traditional foods often served at Thanksgiving.
If you're like most people, even the best laid plans for a perfect holiday meal has its issues. Hopefully, these simple fixes will take some of the stress out of your holiday celebration and give you a little grace when things go askew.
Wishing you and yours an amazing holiday season filled with joy, peace and love. If you don't have someone to spend it with, invite people to join you! It's a sure cure for loneliness and depression often coupled with this season. Give yourself a reason to decorate, dress up & celebrate! Heck, even Scrooge had four ghosts to party with!