Do you ever wonder why you tend to purchase one more pair of shoes than you really need? Or, that button up shirt that you'll only really wear if the occassion is right?
I have a theory! You're not a 'Clothing Enthusiast' at all! …you're simply waiting for the piece of real estate that will allow you to design your ultimate closet! …You're a Designer Closet Enthusiast! I know…I KNOW, but hear me out. That 'one more pair of shoes…special shirt, hat, scarf, bag, umbrella' whatever it is…I think you've been stock piling. Getting ready for the day when you purchase the space that simply calls for a closet, specifically designed to house your treasure trove of shiny bits of wardrobe and accessories!
If you think my theory is crazy, check out these closets on pinterest! If you think "wow" and feel all warm and happy inside at any point…you may need contact me with your new "I'm looking for real estate" request.